What are the factors that can make your cat cranky?

Just like us humans, cats can also experience different moods during their lifetime and it is important to be able to identify them so we can help them. Here are a few reasons why your cat can be cranky at times and how can you make the situation better.

#1 They are tired of sharing “their” space

It pays to remember that cats don’t like to share or queue. Sharing of ‘resources’ such as litter trays and food bowls can cause stress and anxiety for many cats. It’s always a good idea to provide each cat with their own litter box, food, water bowls and bed as a minimum. One litter box for each cat plus a spare is even better, as are multiple sleeping spots and extra scratching posts. A lack of space to hide from or avoid other cats, competition for territory and lack of individual attention can also add to household friction. If your cat is feeling anxious, offering it an elevated place to sit, such as a climbing tree, can be helpful.

#2 They might experience health issues

Changes in a cat’s behavior can often be explained by a health problem. Pain can cause cats to behave very differently, and it’s easy to mistake a problem as behavioral, when in fact it is medical. Should you observe a significant change in your cat’s behavior, then a visit to the vet is the best place to start. Watch out for changes in eating, drinking or litter-box habits. Also hiding and avoiding being touched. Be sure to report all changes to your vet. There are many cat health problems that can be readily treated to ease symptoms and pain for your cat.

#3 They don’t like socializing with your guests

Some cats simply do not like being touched and handled. These are often cats that received limited socialization with humans when they were kittens. These cats do best in a quiet household without children and need understanding and patience to help build their confidence.

#4 They don’t like changes

Moving to a new house, the arrival of a new baby, new pets and other types of change can seriously impact cat behavior. Cats are creatures
of habit and tend to be territorial, so a change in routine may cause them to react in a number of ways, including withdrawal or aggression. Try to keep your cat’s environment as calm as possible and make sure there are places where they feel safe. Sometimes confining them to a single room with a litter box, bedding, and home comforts can help them to settle.

#5 They don’t like getting too “close”

Probably you already know that cats do what they want, when they want it, that’s why if you are being too “pushy” and you insist kissing and loving her when she doesn’t want that, the cat might get cranky. You should wait for her to come to you and offer her affection when she requests it or try and love your cat (because maybe you can’t help it) in small “quantities”.

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